Tired of paying high prices for your textbook? Feeling guilty for asking your students to shell out hundreds of dollars to get a decent reference to supplement your course? Well so was I! (I am Dr. Timothy Paustian by the way.) I have taught microbiology for over 25 years and in that time I have seen textbook prices skyrocket at rates much higher than the rate of inflation. When I was in college (it wasn't that long ago) a good quality textbook cost $30. Today a good quality textbook will cost you $200.00 and if you get it at the book store it will be even more! Well, I got tired of this and decided to write one myself. With the help of Gary Roberts, we created Through the Microscope, a brand new textbook written on and for the web. It contains 30 chapters covering general microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, microbial diversity, pathogenesis and disease, and more. This is not just a hard-cover textbook that has been moved over to a web site. This was designed from the ground up to live on the web and take advantage of all the multimedia and interactive possibilities a web site can create. Want some examples? Click on any link in the bullet list below.
Some of you out there may be thinking, I don't like to read things online, I want a book I can hold. I have you covered. A new hard copy edition of the textbook comes out every year as a compilation of the website and is available for purchase from lulu press. Purchase of the book includes a free subscription to the website, so you get the both of best worlds. A subscription to the web site also gets you access to an ebook, readable from any device that can handle the ePub format. This includes the iPad and many other digital readers. The book is also available in mobi format for the kindle.
Well, this all sounds great, but how much? A 1-year subscription to the website is $30 and the book from Lulu press costs $65 plus shipping and handling. If you are teaching a microbiology course, consider saving your students some cash, and get a top quality textbook.
And now a gift for those who have taken the time to read this far. For students, check out the quiz creator. This little function allows you to create self-test quizzes of your very own and can be used to help review material presented in each topic. If you are an instructor interested in reviewing the book, just ask for a free subscription by filling out the .