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Clues beginning to emerge on asymtomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection
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Could there maybe be better uses of genetics and probiotics?
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ChatGPT is not the end of essays in education
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A tale of two colleges
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1-1 An example of an interactive figure from the book

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This figure takes advantage of html5 and javascript to help the student understand how enzymes work to speed reactions.

Number of Acetyl CoA: 0


Carbon Dioxide:

CFeSP w/ Methyl:

Coenzyme A (CoA):

Figure 8.7. A chemical reaction catalyzed by an enzyme. This animation is a simulation of the synthesis of acetyl-CoA by Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase and Acetyl-CoA Synthase. These reactions are part of the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway. In the first panel, set the amount of each substrate (Carbon Dioxide, CFeSP w/ Methyl, and Coenzyme A) using the sliders or the textbox. Click either one of the buttons (Start No Enzymes or Start with Enzymes) to observe the rate of acetyl-CoA synthesis. Note how increasing the concentration of substrate or adding enzymes increases the rate of reaction.