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1-1 Dedication

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Writing a textbook is never an individual effort, and I would like to take a moment to thank all the people who helped along the way. Through the Microscope has been a labor of love for over a decade. Many people gave valuable input and made the way easier in many ways.

To the Bacteriology Department. Thank you for providing the opportunity and creating an environment where teaching and learning matter. It is an honor to work with such gifted and talented people—specifically, thanks to Robin, Jon, Diana, Jorge, Jo, Sarah, Melissa, Michelle, and Judy. I have learned much about learning, teaching, and life from each of you. And a special thank you to my former co-author, Gary Roberts, who has since retired from academic life and writing this book. As if you didn't have enough to do, you joined me in this quixotic adventure. Your contributions to the book have made it infinitely better than what I could have created by myself.

To my mother. Though you have been gone for over 30 years, your love and lessons stay with me. You taught me to work hard and instilled in me a passionate curiosity about the world. Your example and love still sustain me. To my father. You have always been someone I looked up to for how you moved through life, constantly overcoming the obstacles in front of you with a positive outlook. You were up to any challenges placed in front of you, and you met them all. I will never forget your smile and the light in your eyes.

To my children. For those times when dad was working on the book, and you needed something, I don't regret stopping to help. For the laughter, the sledding, the trips, and for just hanging out. I thank you. Your presence and sense of fun make life worth living.

Finally, to my wife. Thank you for your patience, as I spent many nights at the computer, instead of with you. For your sage advice, when I came up against a difficult problem. For your encouragement when I feared I would never get it done. And for your love, that makes everything I do worthwhile.

To all the friends who gave me advice and encouragement on the book, I owe you one, especially those of you who read preliminary copies and gave me advice. I cannot say how much it meant to me to have your guidance, your excitement, and counsel.